

Policy Statement

All those we work with and come into contact with, have identities unique to them. These identities include not only our ethnicity, but also our gender, sex, sexuality, disability, class, age and religion or belief. We at Living the Drama, refuse to tolerate any form of prejudice, racial stereotyping, and all forms of discriminatory practice, behaviour and attitudes whether conscious or unconscious. We actively encourage a culture which celebrates difference, which we believe leads to a more dynamic, relevant, and exciting arts sector.

We commit to working with the global majority across the arts to eradicate systemic racism and all forms of prejudice.  We are proud to be part of the Oxford Cultural Anti-Racism Alliance and commit to ensuring partners, cast, crew and all other creatives we work with, understand our policy and contractually agree to abide by this policy.

To achieve this, we

  • actively look for opportunities to broaden diversity among our team, making use of co-authorship and other collaborative and dialogic approaches to broaden the voices that make up the stories in our productions;
  • have ambitions for our programme, and work to include stories, narratives and experiences and cultural forms from the global majority;
  • will develop, where possible, activity aimed at engaging global majority artists.

September 2022